Dependence logic is a logical formalism, created by Jouko Väänänen[1], which adds dependence atoms to the language of first-order logic. A dependence atom is an expression of the form , where are terms, and corresponds to the statement that the value of is functionally dependent on the values of .
Dependence logic is a logic of imperfect information, like branching quantifier logic or independence-friendly logic: in other words, its game theoretic semantics can be obtained from that of first-order logic by restricting the availability of information to the players, thus allowing for non-linearly ordered patterns of dependence and independence between variables. However, dependence logic differs from these logics in that it separates the notions of dependence and independence from the notion of quantification.
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The syntax of dependence logic is an extension of that of first-order logic. For a fixed signature σ = (Sfunc, Srel, ar), the set of all well-formed dependence logic formulas is defined according to the following rules:
Terms in dependence logic are defined precisely as in first-order logic.
There are three types of atomic formulas in dependence logic:
Nothing else is an atomic formula of dependence logic.
Relational and equality atoms are also called first order atoms.
For a fixed signature σ, the set of all formulas of dependence logic and their respective sets of free variables are defined as follows:
Nothing is a dependence logic formula unless it can be obtained through a finite number of applications of these four rules.
A formula such that is a sentence of dependence logic.
In the above presentation of the syntax of dependence logic, conjunction and universal quantification are not treated as primitive operators; rather, they are defined in terms of disjunction and negation and existential quantification respectively, by means of De Morgan's Laws.
Therefore, is taken as a shorthand for , and is taken as a shorthand for .
The team semantics for dependence logic is a variant of Wilfrid Hodges' compositional semantics for IF logic.[2][3] There exist equivalent game-theoretic semantics for dependence logic, both in terms of imperfect information games and in terms of perfect information games.
Let be a first-order structure and let be a finite set of variables. Then a team over with domain is a set of assignments over with domain , that is, a set of functions from to .
It may be helpful to visualize such a team as a database relation with attributes and with only one data type, corresponding to the domain of the structure: for example, if the team consists of four assignments with domain then one may represent it as the relation
Team semantics can be defined in terms of two relations and between structures, teams and formulas.
Given a structure , a team over it and a dependence logic formula whose free variables are contained in the domain of , if we say that is a trump for in , and we write that ; and analogously, if we say that is a cotrump for in , and we write that .
If one can also say that is positively satisfied by in , and if instead one can say that is negatively satisfied by in .
The necessity of considering positive and negative satisfaction separately is a consequence of the fact that in dependence logic, as in the logic of branching quantifiers or in IF logic, the law of the excluded middle does not hold; alternatively, one may assume that all formulas are in negation normal form, using De Morgan's relations in order to define universal quantification and conjunction from existential quantification and disjunction respectively, and consider positive satisfaction alone.
Given a sentence , we say that is true in if and only if , and we say that is false in if and only if .
As for the case of Alfred Tarski's satisfiability relation for first-order formulas, the positive and negative satisfiability relations of the team semantics for dependence logic are defined by structural induction over the formulas of the language. Since the negation operator interchanges positive and negative satisfiability, the two inductions corresponding to and need to be performed simultaneously:
Dependence logic is a conservative extension of first-order logic:[4] in other words, for every first order sentence and structure we have that if and only if is true in according to the usual first order semantics. Furthemore, for any first order formula , if and only if all assignments satisfy in according to the usual first order semantics.
However, dependence logic is strictly more expressive than first order logic:[5] for example, the sentence
is true in a model if and only if the domain of this model is infinite, even though no first order formula has this property.
Every dependence logic sentence is equivalent to some sentence in the existential fragment of second order logic,[6] that is, to some second order sentence of the form
where does not contain second order quantifiers. Conversely, every second-order sentence in the above form is equivalent to some dependence logic sentence.[7]
As for open formulas, dependence logic corresponds to the downwards monotone fragment of existential second order logic, in the sense that a nonempty class of teams is definable by a dependence logic formula if and only if the corresponding class of relations is downwards monotone and definable by an existential second order formula.[8]
Branching quantifiers are expressible in terms of dependence atoms: for example, the expression
is equivalent to the dependence logic sentence , in the sense that the former expression is true in a model if and only if the latter expression is true.
Conversely, any dependence logic sentence is equivalent to some sentence in the logic of branching quantifiers, since all existential second order sentences are expressible in branching quantifier logic.[9][10]
Any dependence logic sentence is logically equivalent to some IF logic sentence, and vice versa.[11]
However, the issue is subtler when it comes to open formulas. Translations between IF logic and dependence logic formulas, and vice versa, exist as long as the domain of the team is fixed: in other words, for all sets of variables and all IF logic formulas with free variables in there exists a dependence logic formula such that
for all structures and for all teams with domain , and conversely, for every dependence logic formula with free variables in there exists an IF logic formula such that
for all structures and for all teams with domain . These translations cannot be compositional.[12]
Dependence logic formulas are downwards closed: if and then . Furthermore, the empty team (but not the team containing the empty assignment) satisfies all formulas of Dependence Logic, both positively and negatively.
The law of the excluded middle fails in dependence logic: for example, the formula is neither positively nor negatively satisfied by the team . Furthermore, disjunction is not idempotent and does not distribute over conjunction.[13]
Both the compactness theorem and the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem are true for dependence logic. Craig's interpolation theorem also holds, but, due to the nature of negation in dependence logic, in a slightly modified formulation: if two dependence logic formulas and are contradictory, that is, it is never the case that both and hold in the same model, then there exists a first order sentence in the common language of the two sentences such that implies and is contradictory with .[14]
As IF logic[15], Dependence logic can define its own truth operator:[16] more precisely, there exists a formula such that for every sentence of dependence logic and all models which satisfy Peano's axioms, if is the Gödel number of then
This does not contradict Tarski's undefinability theorem, since the negation of dependence logic is not the usual contradictory one.
As a consequence of Fagin's theorem, the model checking problem for dependence logic is NP-complete. Furthermore, its inconsistency problem is semidecidable, and in fact equivalent to the inconsistency problem for first-order logic.
However, the decision problem for dependence logic is non-arithmetical, and is in fact complete with respect to the class of the Levy hierarchy.[17]
Team logic[18] extends dependence logic with a contradictory negation . Its expressive power is equivalent to that of full second order logic.[19]
The dependence atom, or a suitable variant thereof, can be added to the language of modal logic, thus obtaining modal dependence logic.[20][21][22]
As it is, dependence logic lacks an implication. The intuitionistic implication , whose name derives from the similarity between its definition and that of the implication of intuitionistic logic, can be defined as follows[23]:
Intuitionistic dependence logic, that is, dependence logic supplemented with the intuitionistic implication, is equivalent to second-order logic.[24]